Moving your body and eating well are simply awesome things to do. They keep your mood up and your risk factors for painful & costly diseases down. They can bring you to beautiful parts of your neighborhood or your world, to meet new people, and discover new tastes. So why do we so often find ourselves mistreating our body (and also so much that we are connected to)? The answer is complicated and varied. So...I will leave you to respond to that question in whatever detail (or simplicity) you would like!
What I will share is one sort of response to this question: motivation. And I have a solution as well! Hilda Castillo has organised a drawing that will "give my community of followers a little extra push in a positive direction." She asked us to be part of it by donating some chunks of energy. Of course, it's right up our alley, and we wanted to know more! In between her daughter's naps, here is what she had to say:
Leah (of Chunks of Energy): Thanks for your time Hilda! Can you tell me more about the contest?
Hilda Castillo: It is a simple drawing for prizes (including 5 pounds of Chunks of Energy). You get one entry for every time you eat healthy, exercise, or refer someone--and share it with me, between May 1st and May 15th.
L: Cool. And how does someone share this?
HC: I will count each of the following as an entry:
- On Facebook - Tag my fanpage in a status update on your wall, updating me on your activity. You can also tag me in a photo of your healthy activity.
- On Twitter - Tag me in your status.
- On my website - Leave me public comments.
- For a referral - Encourage your friends to comment (via facebook, twitter, or on my website), and make sure they tag you. You and your friend will both be entered.
L: Could you give me a few examples?
HC: Sure. You can share something like: "I am doing Hilda's ab circuit," or "Letting you know Hilda, that I am eating a healthy chicken salad," or eating the chunks of energy posted on Hilda's website," etc.
L: Then what?
HC: Winners will be drawn and prizes will be shipped on May 16. Check out my site for more details about the prizes.
L: Thanks for explaining the contest. Now I'm wondering, what encouraged you to eat healthfully?
HC: My parents & having a strong desire to not only look but FEEL healthy
L: What is your favorite chunks of energy flavor?
L: How did you hear about chunks of energy?
L: What is your #1 tip for staying in good physical shape?
HC: Just keep moving! Find an activity you ENJOY so you will stick to it!
L: What is your #1 tip for staying in good mental & emotional shape?
HC: Look at the positive in EVERY situation. Take time to breath & enjoy the beauty around you, in people, places & things.
L: What is the last thing you ate?
HC: A snack of grapes & cashews.
L: Thanks Hilda!