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Mega Greens

My most important super high powdered foods is: Mega Green Mix. Here are the ingredients:Organic alfalfa grass, organic oat grass, organic wheat grass, organic barley grass, organic cracked cell chlorella, organic dulse, organic kale, organic spinach, organic parsley, organic dandelion leaf, organic broccoli, organic apple, organic kamut sprouts, organic cilantro, organic carrot juice powder, organic beet juice.

I add one heaping teaspon and 1/4 tsp of organic granulated garlic and 1/4 tsp of organic tumeric to about an ounce of organic tomatoe juice mix well and then add 8 ounces more of organic tomatoe juice. I drink this 365 days a year, it is the most superfood green foods that I know of. Also every evening I repeat, but use water instead. This drink is loaded with a huge variety of all organic green superfoods.

I use this organic supergreen mix in our best selling chunks of energy organic carob supergreens. I am committed to offer consumers one the best price available for this superfoods $25 a pound. Here is the link:

Super green superfoods, there is a clear reason why they have this name, try them and you should feel the energy.

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