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More Ways to Enjoy Chunks of Energy

Dancing Star has two new flavors--two new organic flavors, two new organic delicious flavors that make me wish I didn't live so far from my home so I could try the final result. The taste batches, I can say for certain, were heading in a good direction.

One is 100% Raw Lemon Cashew. It's perfect for summer--light flavor of tangy citrus, cut with protein-filled cashew richness. The other flavor is 16 Carob SuperGreens--also organic. The taste is like the other carob flavors, but it's packed with anti-oxidants and vitamins. If your local source of chunks of energy doesn't carry them, let me know and we'll work something out.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy the Chunks of Energy that you make, particularly because some of them are both ORGANIC and VEGAN! Which I am!!! Plus, with all those goodies crammed into handy-dandy bite-sized pieces, they are easy to eat and enjoy.

I hope you keep making more good chunks, and definitely more 100% organic and vegan options. They do a body and the Earth good.

Thank you.
Justin Van Kleeck

diana allen, ms, cns said...

WOW - The new Raw Lemon Cashew chunks are INCREDIBLE! Love that tart, delightful zinginess!

I am a holistic clinical nutritionist with a specialty in raw food/living food nutrition and am always looking for healthy raw treats to recommend to my clients.

The Raw Cacao Goji was already a top favorite, and now this new flavor comes along, adding a whole new flavor dimension! Both varieties are ideal to enjoy in many ways: along with bananas for a fulfilling raw breakfast, as a between-meal snack with tea, and also as the perfect dessert after a big raw vegetable salad with avocado meal.

Thank you so much for developing these amazing recipes! I feel so lucky to have Dancing Star as a neighbor in the Pioneer Valley - healthy, natural, raw AND local! It doesn't get better than that!

In radiant health,
Diana :-)